Sunday, February 08, 2009

Catching Up!

Sorry for the missing Flashback Friday post! Our hard drive is slowly dying that has all of our pictures on it, so Eric unhooked it until we can get a new one.

We can't afford to lose those pictures, so we just have to do without for now. So until I can access those pictures, we'll just have to postpone Flashback Friday!

I was also tagged by Hydee to do a 4's tag. But once again, no 4th folder, or no 4th picture at the moment. Sorry!!

On a way better note, Eric passed his 3rd out of 5 guard tests today with 100%!!!

Hope you are all having a great Sunday!!


The Barbers said...

Congratulations Eric!! Keep at it!

Rick and Pat said...

I just hate computer problems. It is like someone has cut off one of our arms or something. Good luck in getting it all resolved. I hope you don't lose any of those precious photo memories.