Friday, November 07, 2008

Whistle While You Work!

I just spent the last hour teaching my kids how to clean the bathroom from top to bottom. We sat down at the kitchen table, and wrote down each room, and what needs to be done in the room to keep it clean. Since the bathroom was the hardest, I had them follow me in there, and took each task step by step and they watched. Oh the fun mom makes them have on a day off of school :-)

I have done this before with Preston, and Jaida a little bit, but not in this much detail. They have all each had various chores, and jobs to do, but I decided I needed to take things one step further. I am probably way behind with this, but I have been anal about some things, so it is easier to just do it myself. I know, I know, how will they ever learn?

Anyway, what I have done in the past seems to work well for the most part if I am consistent enough with it. I think them being a little older has helped. They also desperately want their friend time, computer time, or t.v. time, so they do a pretty good job keeping up with things. I just want them to take on a few more responsibilities you know?

So I am posting this asking for ideas, opinions, or any thoughts on what has or hasn't worked for you. Besides their own rooms and things, I have given them one or two things here and there to do. I want this to be a daily or weekly thing, but don't want to overwhelm them, or burn them out quickly. I do want them to understand and know how important all this is, even if they don't think so now... and even if they think cleaning the toilet is "so gross".

Comments????? Please ANYONE, I'd love to hear from you! I'm really just trying to be a good mom!!!


AMS said...

I think it's great! I think kids need responsibilities, things that they have to account for. My girls have had chores for a few years now, although I really need to work on consistency, otherwise it's all pointless! I've tried the chore chart with all of their daily chores (including homework, reading and piano practicing) and they mark each day what they have done and on Saturdays I assign them each one thing to do (usually something bigger) and we work on it together. Then at the end of the week they get to pick a prize. Prizes depend on how generous I'm feeling and can be anything from going to lunch or a movie to something out of the goodie box. Every other month or so the process gets boring or mondane so I use the "prize" as a remotivator.

Tricia said...

I've been really horrible about this lately... they still have their chores, but I feel like I'm always reminding them to get them done.
In the past (and I'm going back to doing it this way) they have each had a calendar with their chores each day listed on it. I decided that the same chore every day gets boring and someone always feels picked on. So I rotate Chris and Katy through dinner dishes, unload dishwasher, and cooking dinner (yes, I make them cook dinner.. and they will both be the BEST room-mates and/or mission companions because of it!) and I rotate Trevor and Tessa through garbage, clearing table, and sweeping kitchen. Then they are each responsible for their own rooms, and deep cleaning them on Saturdays. Chris and Katy each have a bathroom to deep clean on Saturdays too. One of the best things I ever did was to follow flylady ( you should check it out if you haven't already.... but while I had the 'kitchen sink'... the kids each had a 'room of the week' which worked great.
See how you got me going? Now I need to get to crackin' my whip, cause you'd never know I actually put any of this into practice with the way my house looks right now!

Anonymous said...

Screaming, ranting, and raving while throwing my hands up and down in the air, wandering around the room, chanting in an unknown language like I'm crazy, and finally, sitting down in the corner and sobbing has worked REALLY well for me. Give it a shot.

Mandy said...

All I know is that when I was doing chores I never understood why I had to do my "big" chores on Saturday (like cleaning the bathroom) Saturday was a day of play, I think doing it during the week is better...but what do I know? I am still cleaning up one mess after another with my 2 year old on the loose!

Scott&Janae said...

I think that it is always good to have you kids pitch in and help out. I'm guilty though of doing a lot of it myself because I am picky also. I need to take a step back and make my kid do a little more.