Today is Eric's 39th birthday!
While I am sure he loves me announcing it to the world, I am excited to celebrate this day as his wife!! He has been "almost 40" for several years now, so he isn't necessarily aging gracefully so to speak. However I do love the man, and here is why:
1. He is my best friend!
2. We can talk about anything!
3. We are both simple people, and love simple things!
4. He is a great dad!
5. It's not hard for him to say he's sorry!
6. We can relate on every level!
7. He has a sincere love for others, and can sense when they need help!
8. He has a strong testimony!
9. He has a strong love for the Savior.
10. He is very forgiving!
11. He loves to give service, and help others!
12. He is very loyal!
13. He would never hurt me!
14. He HATES gossip!
15. He works hard for our family! (Even if it has meant working more than 1 job at times)
16. He is honest & trustworthy!
17. He loves to learn new things!
18. He is very smart!
19. He is humble!
20. He is a great cook!
21. He is very loving and supportive of everything I do!
22. He usually drops everything to help me when I need him!
23. While in so many ways he can be a pessimist, he really never complains!
24. He knows when to "take over" if I need a break!
25. He calls me almost everyday!
26. I get a kiss goodbye everyday before he leaves for work!
27. He shows and tells me he loves me often!
28. He loves to do things together!
29. He can fix almost anything!
30. We compliment each other perfectly!
31. He's creative!
32. He's not afraid to cry!
33. He loves his family!
34. He makes me laugh!
35. He is a great teacher!
36. He is very helpful!
37. He is easy to love!
38. He doesn't give up!
39. He is patient with me!
Oh I could go on and on, but I will stop at 39 on his 39th! Happy Birthday Sweetie! I love you!!